our members' services
U.S. Visa Waiver For All Liberians
In 2024, 41 Countries (Not a single African Nation included) with a total population of over one(1) billion are entitled to enter the United States without visa! All Diaspora Liberians in the USA have “Dual Citizenship” Nearly all top Liberian politicians including opposition enjoy U.S. Visa Waiver, ten Presidents of Liberia were American citizens. Article 1 of the 1824 Constitution of Liberia is still in force: “All persons born in Liberia are entitled to all privileges enjoyed by U.S. citizens. So why is the U.S. Embassy taking millions from poor Liberians denied visa yearly? The Bible has the answers: James 4:2 “You have not because you ask not.” Matthew 7:7 “Ask and it shall be given unto you. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the doors shall be opened unto you.”
Participatory Democracy For Africa
Democracy is “a government of the people, by the people and for the people.” Liberia is not democratic today because it was envisioned, designed and created by white American slave masters to enrich and empower politicians and keep citizens in poverty and slavery. Liberia needs to be born again; rebirth, not recycling of politicians. Why? In order to have a Government of the people, by the people and for the people, it’s the people themselves who must envision, design and create their system of governance that works for them. A bitter ball seed planted 200 years ago will only bear bitter ball fruits. The Bible says, “A corrupt tree cannot bear good fruits. Neither can a good tree bear corrupt fruits. It’s not about bad politicians because all men are sinners and not righteous. But a corrupt system designed by corrupt slavemasetrs who put their name on it forever! James Monroe was a corrupt slave master who never freed the human beings he enslaved even after he died. He took slaves to the white House! In 2024 Liberia is not only corrupt where politicians as public servants set their own salaries and benefits and how long they will stay in office, MONROVIA is the brand of the corrupt nation. Here is what the slave masters wrote as the purpose for which they created Liberia: ” is most confidently believed, the colonization of the free people of colour, will render the slave who remains in America more obedient, more faithful, more honest, and, consequently, more useful to his master, is it proper to regard this happy consequence to both, as the sole object which the Society hope to attain Why is Liberia corrupt, election after election and for the past 200 years? The original seed was corrupt and planted by corrupt men and by the Government of the United States. How do I know? All enemies of the USA have visa waiver and all politicians have visa waiver but Liberian citizens are not only denied, their money is stolen.
Membership & Training Of Trainers
Mr. Konah of Wuo’s Town Ganta on the road to Sanniquellie join the Free Liberia Movement and decided to donate his house as office space. Every Liberian is invited to join the Free Liberia Movement. It’s nonpolitical, nonpartisan and nonreligious and nonprofit! Everyone is invited to be a member and every member is encouraged to become trainers and group leaders. However, all interested in membership must fill the membership or training form. Monthly membership dues &200 LD or 20 new recruits. Organizational membership registration is $1,000.00 LD, T-shirts, booklets and ID cards are available for purchase at reasonable prices. Everyone interested in training others or leading a group or presenting workshops and seminars must complete the Training Of Trainers , pass a written and oral exam and be certified.
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